16-17 ноября в Анталье (Турция) прошла "XXI Международная конференция подводных исследований и технологий". По приглашению организаторов с докладом о деятельности АПДКС и демонстрацией 30-минутного фильма о том, что на сегодняшний день представляет собой наша организация, выступил А.Р. Болтачев (заочные содокладчики В.С. Кулешов, И.Ю. Тамойкин). И доклад и фильм были приняты очень тепло и с большим интересом. АПДКС не только заявила о себе на представительном средиземноморском форуме, но и получила возможность для выхода на международный уровень сотрудничества в морских исследованиях и подводной деятельности вообще.
Текст доклада:
Information on The Structure and Activity of The Crimean Underwater Association
1Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research (IMBI) RAS, Sevastopol, Russia a_boltachev@mail.ru
2lnterregional Public Organization Crimea and Sevastopol Underwater Association (CSUA) igortamoikin@mail.ru
Interregional Public Organization Crimea and Sevastopol Underwater Association was established in 2015. Currently, the number of the CSUAA is 277 members. Members of the organization are underwater hunters and freedivers.
CSUAA was created to promote and organize rational underwater activities in the Crimea. The president and 4 vice-presidents of the Association are elected at the general meeting annually. CSUAA participates in the preparation and discussion of regulations in the field of fisheries, water tourism and recreation.
The Association actively cooperates with IMBI RAS. Together were developed two documents "Monthly questionnaire for underwater hunters" and "Trophy book of the Crimea” For the Monthly questionnaire, the entire Black Sea coast of Crimea was divided into 8 regions, about 30 species of fish are indicated, for which an abundance scale was developed. Only data from underwater visual observations were recorded in the Monthly questionnaire.
Data on the largest specimens of fish caught by an underwater hunter were entered into the Trophy Book. All information was transmitted to IMB1 and was truly unique. Special attention is paid to large invasive species, with the help of underwater hunters, scientists monitor the dynamics of their numbers.
Another important activity of CSUAA is environmental. Within the framework of the “Clean Shore - Clean Sea” program, members of the Association clean the garbage both beach and in the marine coastal zone, 4-8 times a year, including the bays of Sevastopol.
The CSUAA organizes freedivers competitions in the pool and open water, festivals of lovers of spearfishing. Much attention is paid to the training of young people in underwater sports.